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05/07/2013 - 08:38

Former Brazilian president Lula da Silva visits Berlin

Discussion at the Humboldt Carré on German-Brazilian relations.

Berlin -Over 150 business and political representatives gathered yesterday for a panel discussion with former Brazilian President Lula da Silva. The invitation to this event at Humboldt-Carré came from BDI Brazil Board and Banco Santander as part of the German Year in Brazil 2013-2014. The high-level event titled "The German-Brazilian partnership: A catalyst for closer European and Latin American ties", dealt with the strengthening and deepening of German-Brazilian relations. The aim of these efforts is to provide more business opportunities for investment and to respond to challenges in the areas of growth, development and social issues.

"During his last state visit, president Lula encouraged greater cooperation beyond the existing long-term economic relations. This initiated the birth of the Brazil Board of German economy. Today the president comes in times when economic growth is not only visible, but also faces serious challenges. Given the current developments, Lula presents new ideas for deepening our economic relations," according to chairman of the BDI Brazil Board, Dr. Stefan Zoller.

After introduction speeches from Dr. Stefan Zoller and Matías Rodriguez Inciarte, Second vice chairman of Banco Santander, former president Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva D. held his speech, during which he also referred to the current events in his country: "In many ways those demonstrations are a result of the recent achievements of Brazilian society. Because democracy is not a pact of silence, democracy is a society in movement always demanding more.”

Lula stressed that Germany and Brazil should work more closely together in the future in order to have a strong partner in times of economic challenges: “Germany has to look beyond traditional markets, for new ones like Brazil and Latin America. And build partnerships with Brazil to invest in other countries. Brazilian and German companies can work together, for example, to help to finance and produce eletric energy in Africa."

The event was moderated by Dunja Hayali.

The BDI Brazil Board is currently organising the ongoing German Year in Brazil and was founded in 2010 with the aim to promote bilateral political and economic relations. "The German year in Brazil is a continuously running and diverse marathon of events of our country," Dr. Stefan Zoller said.

The event was organised together with Banco Santander, the largest bank in the Eurozone, with 102 million customers worldwide.

About the Year "Germany + Brazil 2013-2014" -The German Year in Brazil is an initiative of the German Federal Foreign Office and implemented by the BDI Brazil Board. Other project partners are the Goethe Institute (GI), the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). Over the course of the year, Germany is presenting itself at over 500 events across Brazil, positioning Germany as a strong business partner and an attractive study and cultural location. President Joachim Gauck and Brazilian president Dilma Rousseff jointly inaugurated the German Year in Brazil on 13 May 2013.

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