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01/05/2008 - 13:08

Brasil e EUA assinam parceria no setor têxtil

A ABIT realizou no dia 29 de abril (quarta-feira), em Washington, um encontro inédito do setor têxtil e de confecção brasileiro com o setor têxtil e de confecção norte-americano. No encontro, que teve a participação de importantes empresários de ambos os países e seus respectivos representantes de governo, as entidades representativas concordaram em fechar um acordo de cooperação mútua. Segundo o presidente do Sintex, a assinatura dos documentos indica que as portas estão “oficialmente abertas” para negociações futuras e acordos bilaterais de livre comércio.

Dois Memorandos de Entendimento foram assinados entre a Associação Brasileira da Indústria Têxtil e de Confecção (ABIT) e a Associação Americana de Confecção e Calçados (AAFA- American Apparel & Footwear Association) e também com o Conselho Nacional das Entidades Têxteis dos EUA ( NCTO - National Council of Textiles Organizations of the United States of America).

Entre os termos do memorando, estão: - Explorar iniciativas que aproximem os setores têxteis brasileiro e norte-americano. | - Trabalhar juntos, onde apropriado, em posições comuns nos acordos de comércio internacionais que estão sendo negociados por ambos os governos. | - Manter discussões em curso sobre desafios comuns e oportunidades para a cooperação. | - Lutar contra todos os tipos de práticas de comércio ilegais ou injustas, incluindo falsificação e violação dos direitos de propriedade intelectual. | - Discutir maneiras de monitorar o futuro do comércio internacional da cadeia produtiva de matéria têxtil após a expiração das provisões do parágrafo 242 do protocolo chinês da ascensão ao WTO. | www.abit.org.br

“Versão em inglês” . [ Memorandum of Understanding Between.: The National Council of Textile Organizations – NCTO, of the United States of America AND The Brazilian Textile and Apparel Industry Association – ABIT, of Brazil

The National Council of Textile Organizations (NCTO) and the Brazilian Textile and Apparel Industry Association (ABIT), representing the bulk of the textiles manufacturing industry in the United States of America and in Brazil , hereby agree to cooperate in the areas of mutual interest identified in this Memorandum of Understanding.

NCTO is a unique association representing the entire spectrum of the textile sector. From fibers to finished products, from machinery manufacturers to power suppliers, NCTO is the voice of the U.S. textile industry.

Domestically focused to ensure a prosperous future for the U.S. textile sector and globally driven to utilize the vast resources of its allies to establish a balanced and fair trading environment, NCTO is on the front lines meeting the challenges of the 21st Century. ABIT represents the integration of the Brazilian textile productive chain. Founded in the late 1950's, ABIT represents companies of every segment in the textile industry, including producers of textile fibers and filaments, spinning, weaving, knitting, non-wovens, technical fabrics, dyeing, printing, clothing, home textiles and other made-up articles, gathering over 30,000 companies, employing 1.65 million direct workers.

Both the United States and Brazil benefit from a healthy trade relationship. NCTO and ABIT believe that by cooperating in the manner set forth in this Memorandum of Understanding, they can contribute to making this trade relationship work for their mutual advantage and that it is in their common interest to encourage the expansion of trade and investment between the United States of America and Brazil .

In the spirit of cooperation, the two organizations elect each other as their principal channel and partners in the textile private sector of their respective countries, and agree to undertake the following joint efforts within the limits of their available resources: • To explore initiatives to bring the textile sectors of the U.S and Brazil closer together, with a view to expand cooperation, facilitating trade and investment and fostering competitiveness, job creation, social inclusion and technological development. In particular, NCTO and ABIT shall discuss ways to encourage industries in the two countries to engage in closer dialogue and explore joint responses to the challenges of globalization. | • To work together, where appropriate, in common positions in international trade agreements that are being negotiated by both governments. | • To maintain ongoing discussions on common challenges and opportunities for enhanced cooperation. | • To establish a regular channel of communication between both organizations in order to discuss and act on issues of trade facilitation and technical barriers to trade, and sanitary and phytosanitary measures. | • To develop common positions in the mutual interest of members of both organizations, and to advocate such positions to both governments. | • To fight against all kinds of illegal or unfair trade practices, including counterfeiting and intellectual property rights violation. | • To discuss ways to monitor the future of the textile productive chain international trade after the expire of the provisions of the paragraph 242 of the Chinese Protocol of Accession to the WTO; | • Other issues may be considered during the course of this cooperation and will be included by mutual consent.

ABIT and NCTO shall hold periodical meetings, alternating Brazil and the U.S, to discuss and evaluate the provisions of the present Memorandum.

.This Memorandum of Understanding is entered into on April 29, 2008 in Washington, D.C., United States of America. ] | Por: Sintex.

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