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02/08/2008 - 10:40

IDB President receives torch to promote gender equality and women’s empowerment

Representatives of the Danish government in Washington D.C., gave IDB President Luis Alberto Moreno the Global Millennium Development Goal 3 (MDG3) Torch to promote additional commitments in support of gender equality and women’s economic empowerment.

The Global MDG3 Torch, launched in Copenhagen on March 7, 2008, calls upon recipients “to do something extra” to promote the achievement of the third MDG, gender equality and women’s empowerment.

President Moreno said the Bank is currently updating its Women in Development Policy, which will establish the need for IDB borrowing member countries and Bank staff to identify gender issues, consult with women and men, and ensure that they equally participate and benefit from Bank supported operations.

He added that the IDB is strengthening its support for women’s participation in political decision making with the help of a generous US$2.6 million contribution from the Norwegian government. The program will promote women’s political participation and representation in Latin America and the Caribbean through the Program to Support Women’s Leadership and Representation (PROLEAD) over the next three years.

According to Denmark’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in the run-up to the planned United Nations High Level MDG meeting on Sept. 25, 2008, more than 100 MDG3 torches will travel around the world. The 100th torch will be presented to the Secretary General of the UN, Ban Ki-moon.

“Gender equality is core to accelerating progress on the millennium development goals,” said Søren Jensen, Deputy Chief of Mission of the Royal Danish Embassy. “The reason is simple: it pays off to invest in women. That’s why the Danish government has initiated this global call to action.” | Photo: Right to left: Luis Alberto Moreno, IDB President; Cecilia Ramos, IDB Executive Director; Francesca Manno, IDB Alternate Executive Director and Søren Jensen, Deputy Chief of Mission of the Royal Danish Embassy

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