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08/11/2008 - 11:56

IDB supports investments in Peru’s agricultural health service

Peru’s agricultural health service. Bank will help finance US$305 million program aimed at boosting agriculture competitiveness.

The Inter-American Development Bank will help Peru’s SENASA plant and animal health service carry out a US$305 million investment program designed to raise the competitiveness of agriculture, a dynamic economic sector in Peru.

The IDB’s Board of Executive Directors approved a 15-year US$175 million conditional credit line which SENASA will use to finance investments under its strategic development plan. Peru’s government will contribute US$130 million to the program.

Under the line of credit, the IDB will provide an initial loan of US$25 million to finance activities to strengthen SENASA’s plant and animal health services, including its surveillance and quarantine systems.

The program will also support SENASA’s efforts to eradicate pests and diseases that can harm farm output, efforts the IDB has been assisting since 1996. The agency strives to eliminate Mediterranean fruit flies in key export-oriented growing regions and to rid Peru of foot-and-mouth disease, which affects cattle, and swine diseases.

In light of Peru’s commitments concerning plant and animal health, the program will also help finance mechanisms for the post-registration of pesticides and veterinary supplies, a national system for certifying organic production and a primary food safety system, which will lead to the establishment of a traceability system for farm products.

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