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28/04/2007 - 08:40

Em 2007 SOA estará presente em mais de 50% das novas aplicações operacionais e processos de negócios

Analistas examinam os benefícios e desafios da adoção do SOA durante o simpósio do Gartner ITxpo: Emerging Trends, em São Francisco.

Segundo o Gartner, líder mundial em análise e pesquisa sobre tecnologia, o SOA – Arquitetura Orientada ao Serviço – será utilizado em mais de 50% das novas aplicações operacionais de missões críticas e processos de negócios projetados em 2007. Para 2010 o Gartner prevê que este número cresça para mais de 80% até 2010.

SOA has dramatically grown in popularity, and adoption has expanded across vertical industries, geographies and organization sizes. However, the number of failed projects has also grown, organizations have discovered that SOA benefits have a cost and the challenges associated with its adoption have become more apparent.

Gartner analysts discussed the critical technology, organizational and governance “dos and don’ts” for successful enterprisewide SOA initiatives at Gartner Symposium/ITxpo 2007: Emerging Trends, which is taking place here through April 26.

“New software products for SOA have hit the market, but given their immaturity, have disappointed users in terms of reliability, performance and productivity,” said L. Frank Kenney, research director for Gartner. “SOA principles have been applied too rigidly, and this has led to unsatisfactory outcomes as projects became too costly and didn’t meet deadlines.

However, Mr. Kenney pointed out that this is not bad news. Organizations are indeed utilizing this approach and adopting the relevant enabling technologies. “Large numbers of successes have been reported, and no major conceptual flaw has been discovered in SOA. Organizations should aggressively invest in SOA as it will rapidly become the architectural foundation for virtually every new business-critical application,” Mr. Kenney said.

Moving to an SOA is, in most cases, motivated by significant changes in the business environment. This need most frequently manifests itself in the context of a specific business unit, but often also at the corporate level.

“SOA adoption is greatly beneficial from the CIO’s point of view. To keep pace with relentless business change, IT departments are constantly under pressure to deliver more in a flat-budget situation,” said Mr. Kenney. “SOA can frequently be part of the answer by providing a sound architectural framework to help CIOs address their challenges. However, SOA is not a product they can buy and install. In additional to adoption of new technologies, it requires changes in people’s behavior. Organizations looking to strategically adopt SOA should develop their business case on a combination of anticipated business and IT benefits.”

The practical benefits of a well-implemented SOA are greater adaptability, faster time to deployment and lower costs for application development and integration. But SOA adoption also has significant implications. Compared with traditional monolithic or client/server architectures, SOA needs a more-careful application design. It often requires use of integration middleware. Testing, debugging, managing and securing a distributed SOA are complex and expensive.

Addressing these issues is of paramount importance for successful SOA initiatives. However, despite the falling cost of technology, more widespread know-how and availability of SOA services from systems integrators, the incremental upfront cost of SOA vs. a traditional architecture in most cases can’t be justified for fast return-on-investment, opportunistically oriented projects. Gartner says that through 2008, the upfront investment for large-scale service-oriented applications will be justifiable only for projects with a planned lifetime of three years or more.

Perfil do Gartner - Fundado em 1979, o Gartner tem sede em Stamford, Connecticut, e possui 3,7 mil associados, sendo 1,2 mil analistas de pesquisa e consultores em mais de 75 localidades em todo o mundo. O Gartner é líder no fornecimento de pesquisas e análises sobre a área de tecnologia da informação em nível mundial. Atende a mais de 10 mil clientes, entre eles diretores de informática e outros altos executivos de TI de grandes empresas e de órgãos governamentais, além de empresas de tecnologia e da comunidade de investimentos. O instituto dedica-se a análises objetivas e aprofundadas e à prestação de assessoria prática para permitir que os clientes tenham sucesso em suas decisões sobre negócios e tecnologia.

O Gartner está presente no Brasil com três de suas unidades: - Gartner Core Research: oferece pesquisas e aconselhamento para profissionais de TI, fornecedores de TI e investidores em TI na forma de relatórios, interação direta com seus analistas e eventos.

- Executives Programs: grupo composto exclusivamente por CIOs e executivos seniores de TI, alimentado pelo conteúdo Gartner e baseado em “networking” com mais de 3,0 mil membros em todo o mundo.

Eventos: conferências sobre temas específicos e simpósios abrangentes sobre a área de TI. No Brasil, são realizados três eventos anualmente sobre Integração de Aplicativos, Outsourcing e o maior deles, a conferência sobre o Futuro da Tecnologia. | www.gartner.com.

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